Compound Description

ID:   C0372 Common name:   Risedronic Acid
IUPAC:  hydroxy-(1-hydroxy-1-phosphono-2-pyridin-1-ium-3-ylethyl)phosphinate CAS:  CAS:105462-24-6
Chembl ID:   CHEMBL923 Pubchem ID:   CID:44400168
Formula:  C7H11NO7P2 TCM-ID:  TCMC2018
Smiles:  OP(=O)(C(P(=O)(O)O)(Cc1cccnc1)O)O

Phosphonic acid, [1-hydroxy-2-(3-pyridinyl)ethylidene]bis-;

P,P'-[1-Hydroxy-2-(3-pyridinyl)ethylidene]bis[phosphonic acid];

1-Hydroxy-2-(3-pyridinyl)ethylidene bisphosphonic acid;

1-Hydroxy-2-(3-pyridyl)ethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid;

1-Hydroxy-2-pyrid-3-ylethylidene-1,1-bisphosphonic acid;

BPH 2;


NE 58019;


Risedronic acid;

[1-Hydroxy-1-phosphono-2-(pyridin-3-yl)ethyl]phosphonic acid

Related Targets  (Total: 1)

Target idProtein NameGene SymbolUniprot IDTarget LevelNo.of Literature Evidence
T95CFP Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthaseFDPS P14324
A 3 Reference(s)

*In this table, target level represents the quality confidence indicators of targets.
Level 'A' represents "Directly inhibit/activate".
Level 'B' represents "Indirectly inhibit/ activate", "Enzyme substate" and "Enzyme product".
Level 'C' represents "Up/Down regulation" and "Others".

Related Herbs  (Total: 21)

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H1032 Fang Hai方海 NAEriocheir sinensis seu poramon
H0407 Shan Hu珊瑚 CoralOs corallii
H0174 Lu Jiao鹿角 Deer hornCornu cervi
H0272 Mu Li牡蛎 OysterCrassostrea gigas
H1159 Han Shui Shi寒水石 mirabilitum crystallinaCalcitum
H1132 Gui Ban Jiao龟板胶 Gelatin of tortoise plastronColla carapacis et plastri testudinis
H0796 Zhen Zhu珍珠 PearlMargarita
H0587 Wa Leng Zi瓦楞子 Arc shellConcha arcae
H1216 Hua Rui Shi花蕊石 OphicalciteOphicalcitum
H0208 Bei Han Shui Shi北寒水石 mirabilitum crystallinaCalcitum
H1131 Gui Ban龟板 Tortoise plastronPlastrum testudinis
H0176 Lu Jiao Shuang鹿角霜 Degelatined deer-hornCornu cervi degelatinatum
H1195 Bai Ma Gu白马骨 all - grass of snow of june.Herba serissae
H0586 Wa Leng瓦楞 Arc shellConcha arcae
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H0165 Long Gu龙骨 Dragon's bone, fossilized boneOs draconis
H0800 Zhen Zhu Fen珍珠粉 PearlMargarita
H0799 Zhen Zhu Ceng Fen珍珠层粉 PearlMargarita
H0280 Nan Han Shui Shi南寒水石 mirabilitum crystallinaCalcitum