Target Description

Type Detail
Target ID T69OL5
Protein Name Neutrophil collagenase
Uniprot ID P22894
Protein Name Alias EC;  Matrix metalloproteinase-8;  MMP-8;  PMNL collagenase;  PMNL-CL
Gene ID 4317
Gene Symbol MMP8
Gene Alias CLG1
TTD T08856: Clinical Trial target
Pfam PF00413 ; PF00045 ; PF01471
1903978:regulation of microglial cell activation

0043410:positive regulation of MAPK cascade

0032693:negative regulation of interleukin-10 production

0010629:negative regulation of gene expression

0005615:extracellular space

1901224:positive regulation of NIK/NF-kappaB signaling

0032755:positive regulation of interleukin-6 production

0032760:positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production

0004222:metalloendopeptidase activity

0035987:endodermal cell differentiation

1903980:positive regulation of microglial cell activation

0150078:positive regulation of neuroinflammatory response

0030574:collagen catabolic process

0005576:extracellular region


0022617:extracellular matrix disassembly

0046330:positive regulation of JNK cascade

0150077:regulation of neuroinflammatory response

1904724:tertiary granule lumen

0008270:zinc ion binding

0043312:neutrophil degranulation

0035580:specific granule lumen

0004175:endopeptidase activity

0004252:serine-type endopeptidase activity

0008233:peptidase activity

0045429:positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process

0030198:extracellular matrix organization

0010628:positive regulation of gene expression

1903428:positive regulation of reactive oxygen species biosynthetic process

0062023:collagen-containing extracellular matrix

0043388:positive regulation of DNA binding

PDB 1BZS ; 1ZP5 ; 3TT4 ; 4QKZ ; 1JAN ; 1JAP ; 1JAQ ; 1A85 ; 1MMB ; 1ZS0 ; 5H8X ; 1A86 ; 1ZVX ; 1KBC ; 3DPF ; 1MNC ; 1JAO ; 1I73 ; 1I76 ; 1JJ9 ; 3DPE ; 2OY2 ; 3DNG ; 1JH1 ; 2OY4
Drugbank DB08476 ; DB00786 ; DB07397 ; DB06971 ; DB03207 ; DB07772 ; DB03622 ; DB03636 ; DB02326 ; DB07713 ; DB08403 ; DB08028 ; DB03880 ; DB02953 ; DB07900
KEGG hsa:4317

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