Target Description

Type Detail
Target ID T45I46
Protein Name Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11
Uniprot ID Q16584
Protein Name Alias EC;  Mixed lineage kinase 3;  Src-homology 3 domain-containing proline-rich kinase
Gene ID 4296
Gene Symbol MAP3K11
Gene Alias MLK3;  PTK1;  SPRK
TTD T12126: Research target
Pfam PF14604 ; PF07714
0042802:identical protein binding

0046777:protein autophosphorylation

0004672:protein kinase activity

0106310:protein serine kinase activity

0004674:protein serine/threonine kinase activity

0106311:protein threonine kinase activity

0008219:cell death

0031434:mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase binding



0043525:positive regulation of neuron apoptotic process

0044843:cell cycle G1/S phase transition

0043507:positive regulation of JUN kinase activity

0000187:activation of MAPK activity


0046330:positive regulation of JNK cascade

0031435:mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase binding

0004706:JUN kinase kinase kinase activity

0005524:ATP binding

0007017:microtubule-based process

0007257:activation of JUN kinase activity

0007254:JNK cascade


0043065:positive regulation of apoptotic process

0006468:protein phosphorylation

0042803:protein homodimerization activity

PDB 6AQB ; 5K28 ; 6CQ7 ; 5K26
Drugbank DB12010
KEGG hsa:4296

Related Compounds  (Total: 1)

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Name: Biochanin

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