Target Description

Type Detail
Target ID T93KNA
Protein Name Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3
Uniprot ID P20309
Protein Name Alias NA
Gene ID 1131
Gene Symbol CHRM3
Gene Alias NA
TTD T67684: Successful target
Pfam PF00001
0004993:G protein-coupled serotonin receptor activity

0030594:neurotransmitter receptor activity


0045211:postsynaptic membrane

0007268:chemical synaptic transmission

0007186:G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway

0007197:adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway

0006464:cellular protein modification process

0004435:phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C activity

0095500:acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway

0005789:endoplasmic reticulum membrane

0005887:integral component of plasma membrane

0032412:regulation of ion transmembrane transporter activity

0009925:basal plasma membrane

0003056:regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle contraction

0046541:saliva secretion

0007187:G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, coupled to cyclic nucleotide second messenger


0019722:calcium-mediated signaling

0007213:G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway

0042166:acetylcholine binding

0005886:plasma membrane

0045987:positive regulation of smooth muscle contraction

0038023:signaling receptor activity

0007165:signal transduction

0016907:G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor activity

0007399:nervous system development

Drugbank DB09194 ; DB01625 ; DB01403 ; DB01591 ; DB00540 ; DB01409 ; DB06702 ; DB05752 ; DB00458 ; DB00193 ; DB00934 ; DB00340 ; DB04365 ; DB00462 ; DB00280 ; DB00502 ; DB11181 ; DB01338 ; DB14185 ; DB00363 ; DB00767 ; DB00777 ; DB00321 ; DB00517 ; DB01221 ; DB01226 ; DB09262 ; DB01019 ; DB00366 ; DB00715 ; DB11855 ; DB00543 ; DB00747 ; DB09167 ; DB00342 ; DB00202 ; DB01231 ; DB00376 ; DB00454 ; DB01151 ; DB08897 ; DB00408 ; DB00572 ; DB01062 ; DB13581 ; DB00332 ; DB01239 ; DB01085 ; DB00246 ; DB00209 ; DB00986 ; DB00411 ; DB00940 ; DB06153 ; DB13720 ; DB00383 ; DB00725 ; DB00334 ; DB00387 ; DB03128 ; DB11235 ; DB00505 ; DB09076 ; DB00568 ; DB00599 ; DB01142 ; DB01337 ; DB06787 ; DB09089 ; DB01238 ; DB00496 ; DB01036 ; DB01224 ; DB00424 ; DB00835 ; DB00809 ; DB12278 ; DB00434 ; DB00477 ; DB06709 ; DB00622 ; DB04843 ; DB09300 ; DB01069 ; DB00185 ; DB00726
KEGG hsa:1131

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