Herb Description

Herb ID:   H0780 Chinese Character:   枣皮
English Name:  Varieties Latin Name:  Ziziphus jujuba mill. var. inermis (bge.) rehd.
Chinese Pin Yin :  Zao Pi TCM-ID:  TCMH2572
Therapeutic Function in Chinese :  收涩 Therapeutic Function in English:  Astriction
Herb Function:  Replenish the liver and kidney, restrain seminal discharge and relieve collapse

Related Targets  (Total: 25)

Target idProtein NameGene SymbolUniprot IDNo.of Literature Evidence
T29MD1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8MAPK8 P45983
1 Reference(s)
T96OOK Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3STAT3 P40763
1 Reference(s)
T06RMZ Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunitNFKB1 P19838
2 Reference(s)
T74P7I G-protein coupled bile acid receptor 1GPBAR1 Q8TDU6
2 Reference(s)
T02O3F Endothelial lipaseLIPG Q9Y5X9
1 Reference(s)
T79WXA Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1MAPK1 P28482
1 Reference(s)
T22OPB Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2NFE2L2 Q16236
2 Reference(s)
T25Y64 CholinesteraseBCHE P06276
1 Reference(s)
T83YZD AcetylcholinesteraseACHE P22303
1 Reference(s)
T81I4T 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha-1PRKAA1 Q13131
1 Reference(s)
T21DZX Amine oxidase [flavin-containing] AMAOA P21397
1 Reference(s)
T41A4Y Lamin-B1LMNB1 P20700
1 Reference(s)
T23EWB Transcriptional repressor protein YY1YY1 P25490
1 Reference(s)
T38K2W Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2ERBB2 P04626
1 Reference(s)
T60UPF Parvalbumin alphaPVALB P20472
2 Reference(s)
T69RXK Cytochrome P450 2C9CYP2C9 P11712
1 Reference(s)
T18CUI Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcinHPCA P84074
1 Reference(s)
T92BZ2 Catenin beta-1CTNNB1 P35222
1 Reference(s)
T54CIF Interleukin-8CXCL8 P10145
1 Reference(s)
1 Reference(s)
T39RV3 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1MAP2K1 Q02750
1 Reference(s)
T66S13 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2MAP2K2 P36507
1 Reference(s)
T08SJX Astrocytic phosphoprotein PEA-15PEA15 Q15121
1 Reference(s)
T38OQ4 Peroxiredoxin-2PRDX2 P32119
1 Reference(s)
T38J3Y Gamma-enolaseENO2 P09104
1 Reference(s)

Related Compounds  (Total: 2)

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Name: Betulinic Acid
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Name: Ferulic Acid