Target Description

Type Detail
Target ID T53GFX
Protein Name Arginase-1
Uniprot ID P05089
Protein Name Alias EC;  Liver-type arginase;  Type I arginase
Gene ID 383
Gene Symbol ARG1
Gene Alias NA
TTD T29144: Clinical Trial target
Pfam PF00491
0042802:identical protein binding



0042832:defense response to protozoan

0019547:arginine catabolic process to ornithine

0006527:arginine catabolic process

0070301:cellular response to hydrogen peroxide

0010042:response to manganese ion


0002250:adaptive immune response

0001938:positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation

0043200:response to amino acid

0010269:response to selenium ion

0033189:response to vitamin A

0071222:cellular response to lipopolysaccharide

0046686:response to cadmium ion

0035578:azurophil granule lumen

0001889:liver development

0071560:cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus

0032964:collagen biosynthetic process

0030324:lung development

0060056:mammary gland involution

0046007:negative regulation of activated T cell proliferation

0060336:negative regulation of interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway


0005615:extracellular space

0043005:neuron projection

0014075:response to amine

0005741:mitochondrial outer membrane

0042493:response to drug

0000050:urea cycle

0043312:neutrophil degranulation

0030145:manganese ion binding

0009635:response to herbicide

0033197:response to vitamin E

0005576:extracellular region

0060135:maternal process involved in female pregnancy

2000552:negative regulation of T-helper 2 cell cytokine production

0042130:negative regulation of T cell proliferation

0048678:response to axon injury

0010043:response to zinc ion

0035580:specific granule lumen

0043025:neuronal cell body

0071377:cellular response to glucagon stimulus

0010963:regulation of L-arginine import

0071353:cellular response to interleukin-4

0071549:cellular response to dexamethasone stimulus

0051597:response to methylmercury

0004053:arginase activity

0045087:innate immune response

0070965:positive regulation of neutrophil mediated killing of fungus

PDB 4HWW ; 3TH7 ; 3LP7 ; 2ZAV ; 3E6K ; 3MFW ; 2PHO ; 3MJL ; 4HXQ ; 6V7C ; 6Q92 ; 6Q9P ; 2PLL ; 3F80 ; 1WVA ; 3SKK ; 3THH ; 4FCI ; 2AEB ; 4GWD ; 3LP4 ; 4IE1 ; 3TF3 ; 4GSM ; 4GWC ; 6V7D ; 3DJ8 ; 1WVB ; 3THE ; 2PHA ; 3E6V ; 6V7F ; 3KV2 ; 3GMZ ; 3SJT ; 3MFV ; 6QAF ; 4GSZ ; 4FCK ; 3THJ ; 4GSV ; 6V7E ; 3GN0
Drugbank DB06757 ; DB02381 ; DB03731 ; DB04648 ; DB03904 ; DB01983 ; DB02689 ; DB02499 ; DB00129 ; DB04530 ; DB04197 ; DB03144 ; DB04585
KEGG hsa:383

Related Compounds  (Total: 2)

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Name: Spermidine
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Name: Daidzein

Related Herbs  (Total: 48)

Herb idChinese Pin YinChinese CharacterEnglish NameLatin Name
H1248 Huang Qi Gan Jin Gao黄芪干浸膏 Membranous milkvetchAstragalus membranaceus
H1075 Gan Cao Liu Jin Gao甘草流浸膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0358 Ren Shen Ye人参叶 Ginseng leafPanax ginseng
H1073 Gan Cao Jie甘草节 Glycyrrhiza uralensis fischGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0019 Ji Xue Teng Gao鸡血藤膏 Suberect spatholobus stemSpatholobus suberectus
H0571 Tu Gan Cao土甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0278 Nan Ban Lan Gen Jin Gao Fen南板蓝根浸膏粉 Indigowoad rootBaphicacanthus cusia
H0981 Dian Ji Xue Teng Gao Fen滇鸡血藤膏粉 Suberect spatholobus stemSpatholobus suberectus
H0995 Dong Chong Xia Cao冬虫夏草 AwetoCordyceps sinensis
H1080 Gan Ge干葛 Lobed kudzuvine rootPueraria lobata
H1067 Gan Cao Fen甘草粉 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0108 Ku Lian Pi苦楝皮 Chinaberry-tree barkMelia azedarach
H0357 Ren Shen人参 GinsengPanax ginseng
H1174 Hei Da Dou黑大豆 Black soyabeanGlycine max
H1070 Gan Cao Gan Gao Fen甘草干膏粉 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0360 Ren Zhong Bai人中白 Human urine sedimentHomo sapiens
H0897 Chuan Lian川楝 ChinaberryMelia azedarach
H1152 Bai Jie Zi白芥子 White mustard seedSinapis alba
H0705 Yan Hu Lu Ba盐胡芦巴 FenugreekTrigonella foenum-graecum
H0952 Dan Xiang Chi淡香豉 NAGlycine max
H1069 Gan Cao Gan Gao甘草干膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1250 Huang Qi Ti Qu Ye黄芪提取液 Membranous milkvetchAstragalus membranaceus
H1095 Ge Gen Gan Jin Gao葛根干浸膏 Lobed kudzuvine rootPueraria lobata
H0194 Ma Bing Lang马槟榔 Masaikai caperCapparis masaikai
H0026 Jiang Soybean pasteGlycine max
H0847 Zi He Che紫河车 Human placentaHomo sapiens
H0084 Jiu Li Xiang九里香 Common jasminorangeMurraya paniculata
H1074 Gan Cao Jin Gao甘草浸膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0240 Mi Gan Cao蜜甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0405 Shan Dou Gen山豆根 Tonkin sophora rootSophora subprostrata
H0027 Jiang Gao姜膏 Soybean pasteGlycine max
H1094 Ge Gen葛根 Lobed kudzuvine rootPueraria lobata
H0444 Sheng Gan Cao生甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0944 Dan Dou Gu淡豆鼓 NAGlycine max
H0017 Ji Xue Teng鸡血藤 Suberect spatholobus stemSpatholobus suberectus
H0031 Jiang Tan姜炭 Soybean pasteGlycine max
H1249 Huang Qi Jin Gao黄芪浸膏 Membranous milkvetchAstragalus membranaceus
H1066 Gan Cao甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1096 Ge Hua葛花 flower bud of lobed kudzuvinePueraria lobata
H0277 Nan Ban Lan Gen南板蓝根 Indigowoad rootBaphicacanthus cusia
H1071 Gan Cao Gan Jin Gao甘草干浸膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1021 E Da Xia莪大夏 NAOxytropis falcata
H1247 Huang Qi黄芪 Membranous milkvetchAstragalus membranaceus
H1007 Dou You豆油 Soybean oilGlycine max
H0109 Ku Lian Zi苦楝子 NAMelia azedarach
H0416 Shan Shen山参 NAPanax ginseng
H1072 Gan Cao Gao甘草膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0018 Ji Xue Teng Gan Gao鸡血藤干膏 Suberect spatholobus stemSpatholobus suberectus