Compound Description

ID:   C1278 Common name:   Daidzein
IUPAC:  7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)chromen-4-one CAS:  CAS:486-66-8
Chembl ID:   CHEMBL8145 Pubchem ID:   CID:5281708
Formula:  C15H10O4 TCM-ID:  TCMC983
Smiles:  C1=CC(=CC=C1C2=COC3=C(C2=O)C=CC(=C3)O)O


Isoflavone, 4',7-dihydroxy-;





Daidzin aglycone;

FW 635I-1;


K 251b;

NPI 031E

Related Targets  (Total: 65)

Target idProtein NameGene SymbolUniprot IDTarget LevelNo.of Literature Evidence
T91W8B All-trans-retinol dehydrogenase [NAD(+)] ADH4ADH4 P08319
A 1 Reference(s)
T03VS9 Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-betaPTK2B Q14289
A 1 Reference(s)
T44WZO Alcohol dehydrogenase 1CADH1C P00326
A 1 Reference(s)
T12T4H Brain-derived neurotrophic factorBDNF P23560
A 1 Reference(s)
T50SX0 Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 2NR1I2 O75469
A 1 Reference(s)
T85U8U Caspase-3CASP3 P42574
A 2 Reference(s)
T63YAO Caveolin-1CAV1 Q03135
A 2 Reference(s)
T01QLH Estrogen receptorESR1 P03372
A 5 Reference(s)
T12PIB Lysosomal alpha-glucosidaseGAA P10253
A 1 Reference(s)
T32OC4 Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrialALDH2 P05091
A 1 Reference(s)
T54G8J Protein kinase C delta typePRKCD Q05655
A 1 Reference(s)
T22MME Quinone oxidoreductaseCRYZ Q08257
A 1 Reference(s)
T04AHN 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 2HSD3B2 P26439
B 1 Reference(s)
T84W8G Aryl hydrocarbon receptorAHR P35869
B 1 Reference(s)
B 1 Reference(s)
T44LWL Transcription factor p65RELA Q04206
B 1 Reference(s)
T09TS5 Gamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor subunit 1GABBR1 Q9UBS5
B 1 Reference(s)
T74ETU Steroid 21-hydroxylaseCYP21A2 P08686
B 1 Reference(s)
T50WUM Leucine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmicLARS1 Q9P2J5
B 1 Reference(s)
T05O6O Estrogen receptor betaESR2 Q92731
B 5 Reference(s)
T30V3R 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Delta 5-->4-isomerase type 1HSD3B1 P14060
B 2 Reference(s)
T09H2Z Nitric oxide synthase, inducibleNOS2 P35228
B 2 Reference(s)
T67HAF Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1-alpha/betaSTAT1 P42224
B 1 Reference(s)
T08Q7W Prostaglandin G/H synthase 2PTGS2 P35354
B 1 Reference(s)
T29GH0 Trefoil factor 1TFF1 P04155
B 2 Reference(s)
T98JPP Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, liver isoformCPT1A P50416
B 1 Reference(s)
T42EAZ Vascular endothelial growth factor AVEGFA P15692
B 1 Reference(s)
T50V79 Interleukin-4IL4 P05112
B 1 Reference(s)
T26KIE Transcription factor AP-1JUN P05412
B 2 Reference(s)
T64UH1 Nitric oxide synthase, endothelialNOS3 P29474
B 1 Reference(s)
T73S71 Apolipoprotein B-100APOB P04114
B 1 Reference(s)
T49PL1 Low-density lipoprotein receptorLDLR P01130
B 1 Reference(s)
T07NZK Low affinity immunoglobulin epsilon Fc receptorFCER2 P06734
C 1 Reference(s)
T11GHO Transforming protein RhoARHOA P61586
C 1 Reference(s)
T34AYH Solute carrier family 52, riboflavin transporter, member 1SLC52A1 Q9NWF4
C 1 Reference(s)
T36I66 Metallothionein-2MT2A P02795
C 1 Reference(s)
T90ZS8 Endothelin-converting enzyme 1ECE1 P42892
C 1 Reference(s)
T10HL8 Intercellular adhesion molecule 1ICAM1 P05362
C 1 Reference(s)
T59IKQ Vascular cell adhesion protein 1VCAM1 P19320
C 1 Reference(s)
T42XY2 Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptorIGF1R P08069
C 1 Reference(s)
T16IWB Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 alphaGADD45A P24522
C 1 Reference(s)
T23VMI Tumor necrosis factorTNF P01375
C 1 Reference(s)
T29CYD BRCA1-associated RING domain protein 1BARD1 Q99728
C 1 Reference(s)
T41SFE Histone acetyltransferase p300EP300 Q09472
C 1 Reference(s)
T57R3V Proliferation marker protein Ki-67MKI67 P46013
C 1 Reference(s)
T64W2K Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1CDKN1A P38936
C 1 Reference(s)
T82I76 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase BAP1BAP1 Q92560
C 1 Reference(s)
T82JWE Cellular tumor antigen p53TP53 P04637
C 1 Reference(s)
T82S9G DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1RAD51 Q06609
C 1 Reference(s)
T53QOD ATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrialATP5F1B P06576
C 1 Reference(s)
T63SUZ NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 6MT-ND6 P03923
C 1 Reference(s)
T85AXP Cytochrome P450 3A4CYP3A4 P08684
C 1 Reference(s)
T63GUB Proto-oncogene c-FosFOS P01100
C 1 Reference(s)
T33OPP Interleukin-6IL6 P05231
C 1 Reference(s)
T46HRF Growth hormone receptorGHR P10912
C 1 Reference(s)
T35FQV Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein large subunitMTTP P55157
C 1 Reference(s)
T16A2X CatalaseCAT P04040
C 1 Reference(s)
T70SFS Superoxide dismutase [Mn], mitochondrialSOD2 P04179
C 1 Reference(s)
T80TUC Apoptosis regulator BAXBAX Q07812
C 1 Reference(s)
T28B0B Monocarboxylate transporter 8SLC16A2 P36021
C 1 Reference(s)
T53GFX Arginase-1ARG1 P05089
C 1 Reference(s)
T80GUN 72 kDa type IV collagenaseMMP2 P08253
C 1 Reference(s)
T49TDM Matrix metalloproteinase-9MMP9 P14780
C 1 Reference(s)
T35QZO Cytochrome cCYCS P99999
C 1 Reference(s)
T63BQU Cytochrome P450 1A1CYP1A1 P04798
C 1 Reference(s)

*In this table, target level represents the quality confidence indicators of targets.
Level 'A' represents "Directly inhibit/activate".
Level 'B' represents "Indirectly inhibit/ activate", "Enzyme substate" and "Enzyme product".
Level 'C' represents "Up/Down regulation" and "Others".

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H0847 Zi He Che紫河车 Human placentaHomo sapiens
H1066 Gan Cao甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1021 E Da Xia莪大夏 NAOxytropis falcata
H1152 Bai Jie Zi白芥子 White mustard seedSinapis alba
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H0026 Jiang Soybean pasteGlycine max
H1075 Gan Cao Liu Jin Gao甘草流浸膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1094 Ge Gen葛根 Lobed kudzuvine rootPueraria lobata
H1249 Huang Qi Jin Gao黄芪浸膏 Membranous milkvetchAstragalus membranaceus
H0360 Ren Zhong Bai人中白 Human urine sedimentHomo sapiens
H0031 Jiang Tan姜炭 Soybean pasteGlycine max
H0897 Chuan Lian川楝 ChinaberryMelia azedarach
H1073 Gan Cao Jie甘草节 Glycyrrhiza uralensis fischGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1095 Ge Gen Gan Jin Gao葛根干浸膏 Lobed kudzuvine rootPueraria lobata
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H0944 Dan Dou Gu淡豆鼓 NAGlycine max
H1067 Gan Cao Fen甘草粉 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H0571 Tu Gan Cao土甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
H1080 Gan Ge干葛 Lobed kudzuvine rootPueraria lobata
H1071 Gan Cao Gan Jin Gao甘草干浸膏 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis
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H0278 Nan Ban Lan Gen Jin Gao Fen南板蓝根浸膏粉 Indigowoad rootBaphicacanthus cusia
H0240 Mi Gan Cao蜜甘草 Glycyrrhiza inflataGlycyrrhiza uralensis