Target Description

Type Detail
Target ID T82S9G
Protein Name DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 1
Uniprot ID Q06609
Protein Name Alias HsRAD51;  hRAD51;  RAD51 homolog A
Gene ID 5888
Gene Symbol RAD51
Gene Alias RAD51A;  RECA
TTD T63083: Clinical Trial target
Pfam PF08423
0070182:DNA polymerase binding

0000781:chromosome, telomeric region

0003690:double-stranded DNA binding

0001932:regulation of protein phosphorylation

0000150:recombinase activity

1904631:response to glucoside

0032991:protein-containing complex

0006974:cellular response to DNA damage stimulus

0009636:response to toxic substance

0007131:reciprocal meiotic recombination

0000793:condensed chromosome

0005524:ATP binding

0042493:response to drug

0000800:lateral element

0051321:meiotic cell cycle

0008022:protein C-terminus binding

0051106:positive regulation of DNA ligation

0071480:cellular response to gamma radiation

0000228:nuclear chromosome

0003682:chromatin binding

0042148:strand invasion

0006312:mitotic recombination

0006268:DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication

0010833:telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening

1990426:mitotic recombination-dependent replication fork processing

0017116:single-stranded DNA helicase activity

0042802:identical protein binding

0008094:DNA-dependent ATPase activity

0072719:cellular response to cisplatin

0003697:single-stranded DNA binding


0005815:microtubule organizing center

0019899:enzyme binding

0031297:replication fork processing


0035861:site of double-strand break

0000724:double-strand break repair via homologous recombination

0048471:perinuclear region of cytoplasm

0036297:interstrand cross-link repair

0000722:telomere maintenance via recombination

0070192:chromosome organization involved in meiotic cell cycle



0016605:PML body

0000794:condensed nuclear chromosome

0071479:cellular response to ionizing radiation

0000730:DNA recombinase assembly


0070317:negative regulation of G0 to G1 transition

0010569:regulation of double-strand break repair via homologous recombination

0006281:DNA repair

0005759:mitochondrial matrix

0072711:cellular response to hydroxyurea

1990414:replication-born double-strand break repair via sister chromatid exchange

0010165:response to X-ray

0072757:cellular response to camptothecin

0006310:DNA recombination

PDB 5JZC ; 5NWL ; 1B22 ; 5H1C ; 5H1B ; 1N0W ; 7C9A ; 5NP7
Drugbank DB04395 ; DB12742
KEGG hsa:5888

Related Compounds  (Total: 4)

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